When done by a skilled tattoo removalist the procedure is less painful than getting the tattoo. Our clients say that it is a bit like the sting of a rubber band. Your dedicated tattoo removalist will discuss this with you at your initial consultation.


Some people find the discomfort of laser tattoo removal a bit too much, especially in overly sensitive areas and you may use a numbing cream. ERAZALASER recommends numbing cream to diminish the discomfort. However, no matter what you may have been told only 3 people are authorised to apply numbing cream to your skin:

Apply Numbing Cream

The Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA) regulates these products in Australia. The 5% formula is sold in pharmacies where you can get instructions on the correct use of the product. In the pack, you will find detailed instructions on how to apply it. Follow the instructions which advise “ Apply a thick layer of cream to the skin, under an occlusive dressing.”


To help you understand what “thick” means we have included an image of ERAZALASER client, Kellie. She is happy to share her experience with the numbing cream. Cover the cream with an occlusive dressing such as Gladwrap® once it’s applied.


We advise clients that “thick” means as thick as a 50 cent piece. You should also apply the numbing cream beyond the edge of the tattoo. Most importantly, apply the cream at least one to one and a half hours before your visit to ERAZALASER. We will remove the dressing for your laser tattoo removal treatment.


While there is a variety of numbing creams available from pharmacies and online, we recommend that you buy local so that you know exactly what you are buying. Therefore, ask questions before you purchase any product.


ERAZALASER client Stef first told us about the new numbing cream, Numit and we are happy to recommend it to our clients. It Works! Numit is made in Australia by Australian pharmaceutical company, Ego and is reasonably priced. Apply Numbing Cream Therefore, if you are a little concerned about the discomfort of laser tattoo removal, Numit can diminish the discomfort for you. As another ERAZALASER client, Carly said: “ Apply Numit numbing cream on thick an hour prior….no pain!!” While you can find more product information here Numit Cream, we are happy to discuss it with you at your first consultation.
Numbing Cream for Tattoo Removal